Russian Scientific Research Institute for Physical Culture and Sports



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Please, find the results of the expert evaluation and corresponding conclusions on dietary supplements and specialized products for sports and functional nutrition manufactured by company “Binapharm”: “PO-90”, “Pure Organic” and “Tonic 007”-  a specialized product for athletes.

Deputy Director – C.N.Portugalov



Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russian Federation




Moscow 2011


Basing on  certification and registration documents we carried out  expert evaluation of biologically active dietary supplements “PURE ORGANIC “  “PO-90,  and  energy drink “Tonic -007 ” manufactured by”BINAPHARM”(Russia). The manufacturer submitted the following samples:

  1. PO-90 (certificate of state registration № RU. on 11.01.2012.
    Capsules, containing (per one capsule) eleuterozidy-0,024 mg,, schisandrine-0.028, salidroside – 0,012 mg.

The dietary supplement  does not contain any doping active substances  – they are doping free.

By its composition  PO-90 belongs   to poly adaptogens with an  anabolic agent (ecdysterone).

Biological activity:

Due to the fact that it is high in these components PO-90 has a stress-tread, anabolic and moderate immune modulatory activity.

Indications for use:

  1. Elite sport for

1.1. Optimization of the body’s adaptation to training and competition stresses;

1.2. Reducing the amount of time for climate-adaptation of the body  when travelling across time zones or in the midlands or highlands;

1.3.Balancing body weight due to muscle mass stabilization.

  1. Mass Sports

2.1.Improving the quality of life style.

Directions for use:

  1. Increased blood cortisol levels at a reduced amount of testosterone;
  2. Muscle mass decrease and fat mass growth.

How to use:

1-2 capsules three times per day before meals for two to three weeks. When travel planning  at considerable distances with time zones shift, or on the stages when techniques of mountain training are used, you take supplements  5-7 days prior to  moving, and go on intake for at least a week after arrival at destination. The product is designed for athletes and people with active lifestyle.

PO-90 is an import substituting analogue of stress tread supplements.

Thus, being doping free, biologically active supplement  PO 90 can be recommended  to be used without any restrictions as sports nutrition in order to improve athletes adaptation  to training and competition stresses, as well as  optimize the climatic adaptation of the body.


2. Pure Organic (certificate of state registration №  RU.

This dietary supplement in the form of food substrate is based on natural honey containing  (per 1 g of product): eleutherosides – 0,072 mg, panaxosides sum – 0.087, ecdisten-0.093 mg , schisandrine-0.098, salidroside-0.041

“Pure Organic” composition also includes royal jelly, pollen, walnut kernels and honey.

It does not contain any substances with doping activity.
By its composition the  product belongs to a poly adaptogens group containing anabolic immuno active components and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Product application:

  • Performance improvement of athletes in the areas of submaximal physical stresses;
  • Prevention of an individual syndrome of immune system overtension and reduction of the disease incidences in athletes at various stages of preparation of the annual cycle (including the stages of mountain training and event training).

Indications for use:

  • Negative dynamics of the muscular component in the athletes body in the mixed and the glycolytic zones of energy supply in the organism;
  • Reduced blood parameters characterizing the immune system state.

How to use: 1 tablespoon (7,5g) intake 15-20 minutes before the meals  three times per day. The  course duration lasts up to 3 weeks.

Pure Organic has no substituting analogue to provide sports training efficiency.

Designed for elite athletes, individuals involved in wellness, physical activities and  active lifestyle.

Thus, doping free bioactive supplement Pure Organic can be recommended to be used without any restrictions in the sports nutrition in order to improve athletes adaptation to training and events  stresses, as well as to optimize the climatic adaptation in the organism and prevent sports immunodeficiency syndrome.


  1. The specialized product for athletes “alcohol free tonic drink ” Tonus 007 “with the flavor of cola / alpine herbs / lemon (RU. 104.01.12).

Blended beverage syrup with extracts of Rhodiola rosea, Rhaponticum carthamoides, Schisandra chinensis Eleutherococcus, ginseng, containing (per 1 ml): eleuterozidy – 0,092 mg, Ecdysten – 0.064 mg, schisandrine – 0.06 mg salidroside – 0,042 mg.

There are the carbohydrate components of the syrup  (g / 100 ml of freshly prepared drink): fructose – 2.37, glucose – 2.44, sucrose – 5.92.

It does not contain any substances with doping activity.

In accordance with the composition ” Tonus 007 “is a specialized sports drink, which belongs to a group containing poliadaptogenov tonic and anabolic components.

The product is intended for :

  • Performance improvement of athletes to cope with training and competition loads;
  • Prevention of an individual syndrome of over-tension in the central nervous system and optimization of adaptation in the athlete body to stresses at various stages of the annual cycle preparation (including the mountain stages of preparation and peaking to the competition).

Indications for use:

  • Symptoms of the central nervous system over-tension (sleep disorders, apathy, adaptation impairment to stresses;
  • Changing of climatic zones conditions

How to use:

The drink, made in the ratio of syrup and water 1: 4, is  taken in just before training or competition loads, as well as in small portions during the course of pre-competition and competition.

“Tonus  007”has no analogue beverage to provide sports training efficiency.

Drink  “Tonus 007” is designed for top  athletes, individuals  involved in wellness and active lifestyle.

Thus, doping free tonic drink ”Tonus 007”is recommended without any restrictions for sports nutrition to improve athletes adaptation to training and events stresses, as well as to optimize climate adaptation  in the organism.


Deputy director – S.N.Portugalov