Explanatory Statement for Pure Organic
Biologically active supplement “Pure Organic” is made of natural flower bee honey, royal jelly, flower pollen, walnut kernels, extract of Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra chinensis extract, levzea carthamoides extract, Siberian ginseng extract and ginseng tincture.
Over millions of years, bees have adapted to take from herbs the most valuable substances, to provide their vital functions. They added their specific active substances to the herbal biological compounds. As a result, quite effective compounds with new biological properties are composed. Human history has shown that the bee products seem to be very effective for the prevention and treatment for many diseases. Their use in combination with medicine herbs further enhances their performance.
Russia has long been known for honey and other bee products. Since long time ago this country has been called “country of flowing honey.” Honey was considered to be almost the only way to achieve pain-free old ages. Ancient people believed, for a reason, that honey was endowed with mysterious healing power.
In folk medicine of most countries honey is the most popular component of drugs.
High concentration of carbohydrates, easily digestible sugars (glucose and fructose) in honey distinguish it from other products, also rich in carbohydrates, sugar, candies, baked goods, etc . The fact is that carbohydrates of these products are complex (including at that sugars, which is a synthetic refined product consisting of 99.5% from the disaccharide sucrose), and they must be cleaved to simpler. Thus, digestion of complex carbohydrates requires a specific effort ( tension) of the digestive system. When the honey is used, its sugars immediately, without any transformations are absorbed into the bloodstream, replenishing the body’s energy reserves.
In addition, other valuable substances that make up the honey – proteins, organic acids, microelements, vitamins are quickly absorbed in the body. As a high-calorie food (100 gr of honey contains from 315 to 335 kcalories), honey is especially good when you urgently need to make up for the lost energy. Honey, at that, has distinct advantages over other high-calorie nutrients. It contains a combination of amino acids, essential oils, hormones, enzymes, antibiotics, antifungals, and other nutrients. Honey is a dietary hygiene product at that. There are practically no bacteria. Microelements contained in honey, activate the enzyme systems of a person. Honey has anti-inflammatory influence with diseases of the stomach and intestines, contributes to the normalization of gastric acidity, has a positive effect on the intestinal micro flora, etc. The total effect of honey substances is very beneficial for the heart, blood vessels and internal organs, especially the liver and kidneys functioning. Honey also enhances the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as the blood system.
Royal Jelly
Fresh royal jelly is a pasty opaque yellowish-white mass with a specific smell and strong sour – salty taste.
This is one of the most important products of beekeeping. Royal jelly is secreted from pharyngeal and maxillary glands of worker bees, and is fed to the larvae and the uterus. The queen bee consuming just “royal jelly” in the process of development reaches maturity 5 days earlier than the worker bees, it weighs 2 times more than working bees, and lives up to 5 years, laying off a huge number of eggs every day, equal to almost half of its weight, whilst a working bee lives only 30 – 40 days (only in the cold season, its life expectancy is increased to 8 months).
Royal Jelly is a very beneficial product of young bees, which is characterized by amazing properties. It has a strong bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity. So at a 1:10 dilution jelly acts stronger on germs than such a powerful antiseptic as carbolic acid. At a dilution of 1: 1000 it still inhibits the growth of many microorganisms.
Royal jelly increases vitality (especially the elderly and people in poor health) improves appetite, and normalizes metabolism in tissues, stimulates enzymatic processes and metabolism in general, improves the vegetative-vascular regulation, sight, memory, regulates blood pressure, and has antiseptic properties (promotes, for example, the elimination of vasospasms), stimulates hematopoietic function, lowers sugar level in blood, has anti-radiation properties, accelerates excretion of various poisons, including heavy metals.
“Royal jelly” stimulates and regulates the function of the endocrine glands (including sex) and the immune system, it reduces cholesterol level in blood and body tissues (apparently with by royal jelly effect its absorption in the intestine is reduced; besides, cholesterol tends to be used for synthesis of steroid hormones, and thus, there is some increase in fatty acids in the liver, which promotes cholesterol removal through the bile duct). It has an anti-inflammatory, antitumor and bio stimulating action.
All components of royal jelly are necessary for the human body, they have a tonic and rejuvenating effect. Especially beneficial royal jelly is for people recovering from illness, chronically fatigue, and ones who are systematically subjected to the influence of damaging environmental factors, as well as for children and the elderly. “Royal Jelly” increases human endurance, enhances its strength recovery after stress, increases resistance to stress, infections and other adverse environmental factors (that is, it has adaptogenic properties), normalizes fat metabolism, dilates blood vessels.
Flower pollen. In nature, there is no other single food possessing the components necessary for the normal development and functioning of the body. So, in flower pollen there were found about 50 biologically active substances that could positively affect the human body with various disorders.
It contains 240 substances, which are essential for the normal course of biochemical processes in the body and in general, for life. Pollen grains is a storage of nutrients and therapeutic substances: proteins, sugars, fats, mineral salts, a set of almost all vitamins, enzymes, phytohormones, antibiotics and etc. In addition, these compounds are integrally bound to each other and are in balance.
Pollen contributes to the growth and regeneration of the damaged tissues, including the liver tissue, which results in improvement of its function. Pollen supports the growth of rapid tissue regeneration (recovering), such as hematopoietic; due to this, it is used in anemia. The formation of red blood cells (and therefore the level of hemoglobin is increased) and leukocytes is enhanced. It surpasses conventional ant anemic remedies in this.
Pollen normalizes activity of the nervous and endocrine systems, activates insulin release process of the pancreas. Pollen makes some reduction in blood clotting, strengthens capillaries, lowers cholesterol level in blood, has anti-sclerotic properties (in connection with which it is used, for example, in the treatment of coronary heart disease), possesses cholagogic, diuretic, radio protective and anti-tumor effect, retards the growth of intestinal microorganisms and regulates its function. Pollen stimulates the immune system, has a tonic effect, increases appetite, regains the body weight, improves mental and physical performance and helps to restore it in case of fatigue, increases libido and male sexual potency, promotes prostate health decreasing prostatic hypertrophy. Pollen is believed to regulate and promote important internal processes, prolonging life. Pollen is beneficial to human health, particularly in periods of high physical and emotional stressors. Pollen seems to be a valuable drug in depressive states and with an abstinence symptom in alcoholics. It enables to cope with it antidepressants, or at least reduce their dosage, and promotes a more rapid mental health recovery. The efficacy of systemic pollen administration with nervous exhaustion, asthenic conditions and vascular dystonia has been also proved.
Walnut (Kernels). Nuts are used in clinical nutrition, as they are a high-calorie food. Kernels exceed twice the calorie of white premium bread. They contain from 40 % to 70% fat, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are considered to be important in the treatment of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, as well as liver diseases. Nuts are high in fiber, so they increase intestinal peristalsis. Oils, contained in them, contribute to best bowel. All this is beneficial for obesity and aging. Nuts are also recommended for anemia due to the cobalt and iron salts in them. Preparations containing walnuts regulate the functional activity of the gastro – intestinal tract. In folk medicine, walnuts are consumed with catarrh of the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, infarction, and sclerosis of the brain, as well as other diseases occurring against the background of atherosclerosis, with rickets, exudative diathesis, diabetes, and gout – orally and topically, with bleeding, round helminthes. Topically the remedy from walnut is used for healing wounds, ulcers, the treatment of cutaneous tuberculosis, lupus, abrasions, dental pain, diseases of the throat (angina – rinse the throat), as well as eczema and shingles. Crushed walnuts are recommended to use with honey for the treatment of pulmonary disease, and other debilitating diseases of the body.
In ancient times, walnuts were considered to be a remedy preventing poisoning by the strongest poisons in many countries. Walnut oil was also used with kidney stones.
Rhodiola rosea. The herb contains tannins, essential oils, organic acids (gallic acid, oxalic acid, succinic acid and malic), sugars, lactin, sterols and flavonoid compounds. Tarozol and glycosides salidroside and radiolozide are extracted from the roots.
Pharmacognostic and pharmacological investigations of the rhizomes have shown that the plant has a strong psychoactive, adaptogenic effect, it lowers blood pressure. Rhodiola rosea is used with functional diseases of the nervous system: asthenic conditions, insomnia, irritability, and various neuroses, hypotension, nervous and physical exhaustion, with intense mental work, as well as vegetative-vascular dystonia, sexual weakness, sexual disorders in men, infertility in women. Healthy people with fatigue and reduced working capacity can beneficially use the preparation.
Schisandra. Berries contain high amounts of malic, citric, tartaric acids, tonic substances – schisandrine, skhizandrol, sugars, tannins, dyes, essential oils and vitamin C. There are found fatty oil (up to 33.8%), essential oil, and resin in the seeds. Its therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the complex of these compounds, due to this schisandrine occupies a leading position. Schisandra has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, it enhances the positive conditioned responses, stimulates the reflex excitability, increases the sensitivity of eyes, tones up the cardiovascular system, with hypotension it increases blood pressure, improves respiration, promotes a more rapid recovery after physical and mental fatigue and keeps up longer working ability. Moreover, schisandra excites the motor and secretory functions of the digestive system, tones the uterus and the activity of skeletal muscles, activates the metabolism and regenerative processes and increases the immune-biological responses. Under the influence of Schisandra the glycogen content increases in muscles and decreases in the liver; the amount of lactic acids increases in the liver and decreases in muscles.
Schisandra berries slightly stimulate tissue respiration, lower sugar in blood with experimental diabetes, reduce the chloride content in the blood and reserve alkalinity. In medicine schisandra is used as a remedy for toning central nervous system. It is prescribed for physical and mental fatigue, worsened physical and mental performance, hypotension, drowsiness, asthenic and depressive states in mental and nervous patients, with an overall loss of strength due to the chronic infectious diseases and intoxications, with sluggishly granulating wounds and trophic ulcers. Schisandra is also used as a stimulant with a number of heart diseases of functional nature and the weakening breathing, pneumonia with vascular insufficiency. Preparations made of Schisandra affect slowly (in 2 -10 weeks), but effectively.
Leuzea carthamoides (Rhaponticum). The rhizomes and roots of leuzea carthamoides contain alkaloids, ascorbic acid, carotene, inulin, essential oils, resins, phosphorus salts, oxalates, vitamin A, and other tannins substances. It is claimed that Leuzea carthamoides drugs have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, improve working capacities with mental and physical fatigue. Leuzea is used with hypotension, physical and mental fatigue, sleepiness and decreased sexual activity.
Eleutherococcus senticosus. The rhizome of Siberian Ginseng contains glycosides, steroid derivatives, coumarins and flavonoids, alkaloids, essential oils, gums, pectins, anthocyanins.
Preparations with Eleutherococcus bolster physical and mental performance, increase the body’s resistance to various damaging factors and diseases, normalize blood pressure, and reduce sugar level in blood. Improving the general condition, Siberian ginseng makes the body more resistant to colds and other diseases improves sleep, increases the appetite, activates and balances the excitatory-inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, reduces the toxicity of antineoplastic agents. Indications for use are: fatigue, neurasthenia, psychasthenia, exhaustion of the nervous system, accompanied by a decrease in working capacity, anxiety, insomnia, vegetative neurosis, vasospasm, arrhythmias and hypotension functional character, initial forms of atherosclerosis, hypertension, a mild form of diabetes, acute and chronic radiation sickness (in combination with other drugs), a complex treatment for oncological diseases, traumatic brain injury treatment, chronic inflammation of the gall bladder and colonic mucosa, as well as during the recovery period after serious debilitating diseases.
Ginseng. Ginseng root contains a number of physiologically active substances, in particular: triterpene glycosides -panaksozidy A, B, C, D, E, F, essential fatty oils, pectins and other carbohydrates, saponins, ascorbic acid, vitamin B1 and B2, iron, magnesium, manganese and other microelements, gindenin relating apparently to glycosides, panaxic acid (a mixture of palmitic, stearic, and oleic acid lenoleic acids). Furthermore, the root contains resinous material, starch, fatty oils, phytosterol and cane sugar.
The ginseng effect on the body is due to its manifestation on the cortex and subcortical brain formations.
Ginseng enhances the strength and mobility of the basic cortical processes, improves the positive conditioned reflexes, facilitates the development of conditioned responses and strengthens the differentiation.
It is noted that preparations made from the roots are beneficial for blood, they develop gas exchange, activate tissue respiration (especially the brain), increase the amplitude and reduce the heart rate; contribute to healing ulcers and wounds.
Ginseng extract increases the bile secretion, the bilirubin and bile acids concentration in it, contributes to the sensitivity of the human eye in the process of tempo adaptation. It is the most powerful exciting agent of the central nervous system, which by its effect exceeds a mixture of neostigmine methyl sulfate with phenomenon; unlike the latters it does not have the phase sequences and adverse consequences and does not break sleeping process. Ginseng extract increases working capacities in terms of night duties, wakefulness etc.
The ginseng beneficial effect on the body is due to the content of biologically active substances. So, panax saponin glycoside is credited to stimulating effect, the glycoside has also the attribute to tone the heart and blood vessels. Panaxic acid actively influences on the metabolism. Panacea has an analgesic and sedative action on the nerve centers. Panakvilon stimulates the endocrine apparatus. Ginseng regulates carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to a decrease of sugar levels in blood and an increase in glycogen formation. Preparations from ginseng roots are beneficial as a boost of physical and mental performance, body weight balance, better feeling, sleep, appetite, and mood. Unlike other boosters, ginseng can be safely used without any adverse effects.
In medicine, ginseng is used as a tonic for hypertension, physical and mental fatigue, after a heavy long illness, with impotence, poor working capacity, functional disorders of the cardio – vascular system, sexual dysfunction, especially in hypogonadal, diabetes, neuro – psychic disorders of functional nature, such as: neuroses, neurasthenia, psychasthenia. The drugs of ginseng are also indicated for chronic hypo- and anatsidnyh gastritis.
Use of these drugs contributes to a quick recovery of liver functioning at Botkin disease.
Ginseng root is credited with the ability to live a longer life and wellness, which is why it is recommended to be used by healthy individuals from 40 – years of age. Chinese and Japanese doctors believe that ginseng increases the immune-biological properties of the organism and with a long use it gets an anti-inflammatory benefit.
In folk medicine in China and Japan, ginseng is used in combination with other agents to treat tuberculosis, rheumatism, diabetes, and as an expectorant in certain diseases of the bronchi, while exhausting with night sweats, hemoptysis, anemia, hysteria, general prostration, and many other disorders.
Remedy to survive. Each of us now suffers from pollution. Survive and try to be fit at the same time is becoming not easy. It is not a surprise, that scientists are looking for the preparations enable to maintain the body’s resistance to extreme conditions. In this regard, bee products in combination with herbal biologically active compounds are of particular interest, since they enhance the activity of a human body. As biological stimulants, they are especially beneficial due to their natural origin.
Honey and other bee products, as well as mentioned above herbs, possess adaptogenic and antitoxic properties, with them we can learn to live longer in an environmentally stressful conditions.
Every year, the environmental situation in this country, as worldwide is getting worse. More and more new chemical substances get accumulated in the human body, poison its internal environment, impair metabolism, drain the compensatory mechanisms and sooner or later badly affect on the health, longevity and offspring.
What are these external sources of poisons? First of all, it is a variety of chemicals accumulated in food as a result of human activities (herbicides – chemicals weed control, pesticides – a variety of chemicals used to protect plants from pests and diseases), nitrosamines, heavy metals, antibiotics, hormones, radioactive substances, etc. Much is said and written about some of them, for example, nitrosamines (which result from the interaction of nitrite and amines). The fact is that nitrosamines can cause cancer (their carcinogenic effect is manifested even at a concentration of 0.5-1 mg / kg product).
Nitrites can be found in soil, water, air, and plants. They are accumulated in canned salted and smoked products. Nitrates also are found in nature and, they can turn into nitrites (under the influence of microorganisms, enzymes, and other factors).
Where did amines come from? They are intermediates formed during the proteins synthesis, both in plants and animals. Moreover, many chemical fertilizers contain amines, pesticides, certain drugs, etc. Amines, as mentioned above, react with nitrites to form highly dangerous compounds – nitrosamines.
Application of pesticides and herbicides has led to severe contamination of soil, water, and hence food.
Some of them are highly resistant (retained in the soil up to 10 years), and toxic. Although their use is banned now, they are found all over (even in the organisms of penguins that live in the Antarctic)
The products may be contaminated with hormones, antibiotics, industrial enzymes, excess minerals and vitamins (used for example to feed livestock and poultry or for their treatment), biogenic amines (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, et al.) that might cause vasoconstriction, blood pressure increase, etc., by radioactive and other substances, as well as by microbes and mycotoxins. Thus, mycotoxins may be found in stale foods (rot, mold shows the development of microscopic fungi that produce the strongest toxins – mycotoxins that can cause poisoning, genetic damage, cancer, etc.).
It is evident that the threat to life and health is in many ways. To the above list you can add high emotional stress, fatigue, etc.
Researchers believe that most people are now in the so-called third state, the transition between health and disease and is defined as pre-disease. To develop our survival capacities in these difficult conditions, it is necessary to maintain the protective functions of the body. This can be achieved with the help of adaptogens – biologically active compounds. These substances are basically of natural origin, contained, for example, in certain plants, such as: ginseng, Chinese Schizandra
, Eleutherococcus, Rhaponticum, Rhodiola rosea, etc., beekeeping products and some others. Natural adaptogens are especially beneficial for their complexes of biologically active compounds (biogenic stimulants, vitamins, microelements, etc.). They enhance mental and physical performance; increase adaptability to adverse environmental factors (cooling, heat, infections, toxic substances, etc.). Moreover, unlike the plants of the caffeine type (coffee, tea, kola nut, cocoa, etc.), which in large doses can cause depletion of energy resources, they also possess some other negative qualities, while natural adaptogens have a milder effect, and as a rule, do not have side effects.
Bee products are of a great support in improving the body’s resistance. They combine complex nutrients and very active compounds. The honey and pollen, for example, have concentrated the most beneficial things in the plants, plus a number of physiologically active substances produced by bees. Especially effective are the combinations of honey, pollen, royal jelly with adaptogenic herbs. Herbs and gifts from winged toilers are the basis for preparing adaptogenic, sedative, vitamin, antitoxic and other preparations that protect and keep up health, extend life and prolong youth.
Recommendations for use. We would recommend the preparations to all those who wish to increase the immune-biological body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors; engaged in heavy manual labor and work with psycho congestion; people with an overall loss of strength due to chronic general and chronic infectious diseases and intoxications; exhaustion of the nervous system, accompanied by reduced physical and mental capacity for work, increased irritability, insomnia; athletes.