Improvement of adaptation processes in highly skilled athletes
The problem of improving adaptation processes is divided into several more precise objectives:
- Improvement of athletic performance, i.e., expansion of adaptability (adaptation) of the organism to physical stresses.
- Management of athlete recovery functions, depressed due to fatigue.
- Enhancement and improvement of a body adaptation level of athletes to extreme training and competition stressors (midlands, humid and hot climate, jet lag, when travelling through several time zones resulting in desynchronizes).
- Correction of the immune system depressed by strenuous loads.
“Binapharm” Ltd has gained a considerable experience working with natural adaptogens (ginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Rhodiola rosea, Schizandra Chinese, Rhaponticum carthamoides).
Biochemical and physiological research of active components of herbal adaptogens enabled to synergize them into a formula. As a result, cumulative and antagonistic components were eliminated, and synergy complex action of drugs was achieved.
The composition of one of the products organically includes: royal jelly honeybee pollen, honey, and walnut components.
Adaptogens make a group of substances, mostly of herbal origin, with a stimulating effect; it increases the body’s resistance to adverse environmental stressors.
They activate the functions of human body and systems; improve its mental and physical performance.
Being antioxidants and energy generating agents adaptogens protect the body from damaging factors. Their effect is similar to the protective action of the substances produced in the body.
Adaptogens raise cell membranes stability. Penetrating inside, they activate a variety of intracellular systems, causing the adaptation restructuring of the organism. As a result, the body begins to function more economically, with less energy consumption. Its defense systems (anti-oxidant) are mobilized. Through restructuring, the body acquires the ability to block the development of various pathological conditions. In addition, adaptogens stimulate the synthesis of a number of endogenous bio-stimulants activating the immune system (interferon, interleukin, etc.). This enhances the resistance to various infections.
Biologically active substances with adaptogenic action produce relict forms of living beings, which survived global cataclysms. Thanks to this property they possess sufficient stability to extreme stressors.
Our studies on the mechanism of adaptogens benefit, the role of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, certain aspects of the metabolic processes, and the obtained results compared with the reference enabled us to formulate a general concept of this mechanism. It includes three components: 1) inhibition of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and cellular elements protection from destruction by free radicals, which manifests itself in the form of optimizing the mitotic activity of the cells, hyperlipidemia and direction of lipids to generate energy required for ATP synthesis, 2) selective correction of sympathoadrenal system as a consequence of the inhibition of catechol-O-methyltransferase catecholaminergic synapses and subsequent limiting of their function, 3) limiting and prolongation of the function of the pituitary-adrenocortical system gonads dependent on the first two components and acting as a barrier to these glands exhaustion under stress due to protection of steroid hormones from oxidation in LPO reactions , limiting the influence of simpathoadrenal system on the hypothalamic-pituitary complex. This mechanism eventually leads to the intensified formation of the structural trace – the result of long-term adaptation
As an example, we have studied the action of “Binapharm» Ltd drugs
Pure Organic, PO-90, drink “007” on the energy metabolism under the muscle loads. The preparations prevent failure of energy metabolism under muscle loading. No significant changes occur in the adenine nucleotides and KF (creatine phosphate) content. Development of glycolytic processes is lessening, which shows minor growth in lactate level in the muscles. This occurs due to the effect of one of the P.O. components, glycolysis in skeletal muscle is at a relative rest. As a result, by the beginning of the body activity, there is stored a reserve that stimulates breathing, phosphate acceptor and partial oxidation products of carbohydrates, providing the conditions for more active development of aerobic processes during muscle activity.
Since the muscular work under the preparations activity is accompanied by earlier switching of the body to energy supply at the expense of aerobic oxidation reactions, we have shown that this effect is due to a range of oxidized substrates used as the energy source for muscle activity – lipids.
At that, a short physical exercise is not associated with significant changes in lipid metabolism since the occurrence of oxygen retardation under these conditions inhibits utilization of lipids, to be oxidized only under aerobic conditions, and energy generation of muscle activity is carried out mainly due to carbohydrates.
After consumption of the preparations it was registered: firstly, earlier lipid mobilization from the fat depots, as indicated by rise of adipose tissue lipolytic activity and increase in the blood concentration of the main transport lipid forms – non-esterified fatty acids. Secondly, lipid utilization by tissues is enhanced, as evidenced by an increase in the hepatic lipid content and their iodine number.
Thus, the preparations contribute to earlier activation of enzyme systems which catalyze aerobic oxidation reaction, and the conjugated with them phosphorylation, they maintain enzymes high activity during heavy loading.
This effect involves mitochondrial ultrastructure stabilization. The preparations have a normalizing effect on the respiratory control magnitude, which shows the mitochondrial ability to regulate respiration rate depending on the presence of phosphate acceptors in the environment, and enables to evaluate mitochondria functional state. The subjects who used the preparations have an increase in the number and dimensions of mitochondria both through the fibers along the periphery and in the center between the myofibrils. Features of the submicroscopic organization of mitochondria indicate a high functional activity (increase in the number of cristae, and their size, lack of changes in the outer membrane). We paid attention to the abundance of ribosomes around the nucleus and mitochondria, indicating an active protein synthesis.
Thus, the active complex RO adjusts the intensity of intracellular metabolism in the muscles during their functional activity, creating the conditions for an earlier-onset of the “steady state” of metabolic processes in the working muscles, and keep this state up under conditions of intense stresses.
The effect is due to improved electron transport interface for the respiratory chain and transformation of oxidation energy into the energy-rich phosphate bonds, which creates conditions for the normalization of mitochondrial ultrastructure.
In brief about honey, royal jelly, pollen and components of walnut
Honey – a carrier of ADV adaptogens (its sugars), after intake is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, replenishing the body’s energy reserves.
The honey, in favorable combinations, contains amino acids, essential oils, anti-fungal, and other useful substances. Besides, honey is a healthy food product with lengthy shelf life. Microelements contained in honey, activate enzyme systems. The net effect of honey substances is very beneficial for the function of the heart, blood vessels and internal organs, especially the liver and kidneys. Honey contributes to the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as the blood system.
Royal Jelly is a precious substance produced by young worker bees that is characterized by particularly beneficial properties. It has a strong bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, tones up vitality, improves appetite and normalize metabolic processes in tissues, stimulates enzymatic processes and metabolism in general, improves vegetative-vascular regulation, regulates blood pressure, excites the hematopoietic function, lowers sugar level in blood. Royal jelly stimulates and controls the function of the endocrine glands (including sex), the immune system, reduces cholesterol in blood and body tissues. With royal jelly cholesterol absorption in the intestine goes down. In addition, cholesterol is more actively used for the steroid hormone synthesis. At the same time we observed a slight increase in fatty acids in the liver, which promotes the excretion of cholesterol through the biliary tract.
In nature, there is no analogue equal to pollen by concentration of the components necessary for the normal development and functioning of the body Pollen grains is a pantry of nutrients and therapeutic substances: proteins, sugars, fats, mineral salts, a set of almost all vitamins, enzymes, plant hormones, etc.
Pollen induces the growth and regeneration of damaged tissues, including the liver, resulting in restoration of its function. Pollen stimulates the growth of rapidly regenerating tissues, e.g., blood. Pollen normalizes activity of the nervous and endocrine systems, activates insulin release process in the pancreas.
Walnuts. Walnut kernels used in Pure Organic contain up to 70% of fat rich in unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic and oleic), which are beneficial for prevention of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular disorders, as well as liver diseases.
A course of use of the preparations produced by “Binapharm”Ltd results in development of adaptation processes and significant improvement of individual athletic performance.